At Mighty Media Press’s imagination lab, the book is only the beginning. We know books are gateways to new worlds. Expose your kids to new perspectives, places, and ideas, and let their minds run wild.

Think Outside the Orb

Seaver’s doing it all wrong. His siblings remind him that orb spiders weave round webs, but WITH A SKY FULL OF INSPIRATION, Seaver can't help but weave incredible shapes he sees in the stars. Inspiration can come from anywhere - teach your kids that if they can dream it, they can weave it.

Great ideas begin with a spark of inspiration. Let us inspire your kids to imagine differently.

A Wallaby Eating A Burger?

If an armadillo went to a restaurant, would she order spaghetti and meatballs? I don’t think so! With silly questions your kids will love shouting out the answers to, you'll never read this book the same way twice.

We believe the best daydreams start with "What If…?" (Your kids can take it from here.)

A Platypus Playing the Violin?

If an elephant went to school, would she learn the ABCs? Not likely! Your little readers will love following along with you in a story that changes every time you read it aloud.

In a childhood of schedules, activities, and to-do-lists, we support the notion that there is always time to ask questions and daydream.

There’s a little ugly dumpling in all of us.

It’s not easy being the ugliest dumpling in a dim-sum restaurant. Uneaten and ignored, the ugly dumpling is down in the dumps, until it meets an encouraging cockroach. Explore the world from the point of view of a dumpling and cockroach as your kids learn that being different is beautiful.

We believe your kids are more than the world tells them they are. Imagination is the key to being different. And being different is a good thing. (Just ask the cockroach.)