Mighty Media Press Blog

  • Posted on: March 2, 2015
    While mindless App games numb the brain, Mighty Media Press delivers colorful, captivating products that ignite a child's imagination and sense of adventure. Our books teach kids Monstrous Words, higher-level vocabulary words that help kids crush illiteracy, not candy. Both are colorful. But only one kills brain cells...    Are YOU paying attention to what your child is doing?We are.
  • Posted on: November 21, 2014
       Jingle Bells, Monster yells As he slides downhill! Christmas cheer is almost here, So spread joy and goodwill!The holidays are right around the corner, and Monster has some exciting news to share! Get the little monsters in your life something special for Christmas and sign up for our Goodreads Giveaway! Download the free Educator’s Guide and enjoy some fun activities this Christmas! Check out our Monster Story Time Event & Activity Kit and make your own Christmas Tree like Monster!Monster Needs a Christmas Tree Blog Tour:October 30 Chat with Vera "It has Santa Claus, Christmas...
  • Posted on: August 12, 2014
    Most children's book editors will tell you that when they read a manuscript for the first time, they are always thinking about the potential illustrations. Which lines will go in the spread? What action will be illustrated? How can the illustrations and the text work together? What will the characters look like? What style of illustrations do we want? All of these questions, and more, run through our minds when we are working on a new picture book, but the last two are especially important early on. Many people might not realize that characters can go through many phases before they...
  • Posted on: July 8, 2014
    Is everyone settled? Have you finally recovered? We gave you a week to get back into the swing of life: that's enough time, right? ALA can take it out of you. And we understand, and we empathize. It can be a whirling weekend of activity. But we have business to cover! And prizes to give away! And people to celebrate! ALA was a rip-roaring success. To share in that with you, our dear readers, we're announcing the winners of our Monster Raffle! Can we get a drum roll?!   WINNERS Stephen Klein of Long Beach, CA Rebecca Bishop of Bassett, VA Gloria Lukacovic of Hawthorne, CA Noreen Quinn-...
  • Posted on: May 30, 2014
    Monster needs a contest For this summer's ALA. So we've created #MonsterGram for everyone to play!We know BEA is still in full swing, but we're already looking ahead to the end of June and the ALA annual gathering in Las Vegas. Why might we be so excited for an event so far away? Well, we have some exciting news! This year, at ALA 2014, we are launching an exciting promo featuring the Monster & Me™ series by Paul Czajak, illustrated by Wendy Grieb! Here's how it works: • Visit Mighty Media Press at Booth #322! All weekend long we'll be handing out Monster fans for you take photos...
  • Posted on: April 24, 2014
    You all know Desiree. You all know Josh. You all know Denzel. We're the three that keep this little blog up and running and marching onward. We're here because we love to talk about books. And bookish things. And other book lovers. And why we love the books we love. Basically, if we're talking books, we're a happy bunch. And, in a nutshell, that's what we're here to do. We're here to talk about what makes the bookish community--specifically Scarletta publications--such valuable assets to the world. We love what we do, and we like to think that you, dear reader, enjoy being a part of that...
  • Posted on: April 22, 2014
    A sudden unnatural hush fell over the crowd...And so begins the exciting first installment of Ellen Prager's new Underwater Adventure Series Tristan Hunt and the Sea Guardians!Some lucky readers have been fortunate enough to get their hands on a brand-spanking new copy of The Shark Whisperer already at some pre-launch events in the southern United States. For those of you itching to get your hands on the new title, fret not! The pub date is just around the corner. Coming up next week, the First of May, The Shark Whisperer will be available everywhere!But, before you devour the first book...
  • Posted on: April 14, 2014
    Paul Czajak, author of the Monster & Me books Scarletta needs a blog post For Monster’s book birthday. It’s time I talk on rhyming And the words I choose to say.OK, enough of that. An entire blog post in rhyme might get a bit laborious… When I wrote my first Monster story, Monster Needs a Haircut (not yet published), I had never written in rhyme before. In fact, it never occurred to me to write in rhyme until I had the idea for this book. It just seemed natural for the story. After I wrote it, I knew it wasn’t perfect by any stretch; I made all the typical mistakes a newbie makes...
  • Posted on: April 11, 2014
    Another blog tour you say?Why yes! We're back and celebrating the second book by Paul Czajak and Wendy Grieb, Monster Needs His Sleep. Monster and boy are her once more, travelin' along a little blog tour! So jump right in, discover a treat. One little click and your day is complete!April 8 Carrie On… We hear there is going to be a really hilarious video… April 15 Find Paul HERE on the Scarletta blog! He’s celebrating publication day by taking over the Scarletta blog! April 17 Teach with Picture Books The first giveaway you say? Better not miss it! April 21 Kid Lit Reviews Monster always...
  • Posted on: April 8, 2014
    Dare I say it? Is spring finally upon us? For three days, we've experienced above freezing temperatures, and it feels like a dirty, dirty trick. Hopefully, it's not. Hopefully we've finally made it through the bleakness of winter and into a brand new experience, one I think we're all more than a little ready for. 2014 has already brought about plenty of changes for Scarletta. Staffing, submissions, publications, buildings, processes, blogging, writing, etc: spring just seems like the right time to get into cleaning out and moving on. Of course, the largest change this year has been our...
